Welcome to My Royally Wrecked Space to Chill...

I hope you find comradery...I hope you find peace....I hope you find joy...I hope you find acceptance...I hope you feel loved...I hope you know that your are precious...chosen...and always welcome here...come sit a spell...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Granola with God...

I drink my coffee and fight the gut reaction to...ahem...puke...

I am having a lay it all out there, here it is, conversation with my Lord...

It's hard for me...there are certain things in my life I do not trust Him with...

Specific areas that I have consistently proven unable to master or even correctly decision within my life...and yet...I KEEP TRYING...

My pattern is to hold it to the side...because if I hold it in my backpack He won't know that I'm holding that idol for myself right?

Then I start hiking up the mountain to the summit and the backpack zipper breaks...out spills my hidden idol and I think (how dumb of me) that He sees it for the first time...

All the while He's watched me hiding from Him like a mere child...He's got to be saying "Really? AGAIN?!!"

So today...I chose to take a different path and just SAY it to Him...Lay it on the line...and honestly...even as I type this I feel like I have acid reflux...my heart is pounding...total anxiety...

Because I don't like giving it up...the reality is...I'm afraid if I submit my backpack to Him then I won't get to keep my granola inside...


But then I'm reminded as I turn the next corner up the mountain...His backpack is so much better...

Where I have water...He has ARTESIAN water...Where I have granola...He has BAGUETTE...Where I have peanuts...He has ROASTED PECANS WITH GLAZE...

Stupid analogy I know...but the moral of my convoluted story is this:

I'm surrendering...and surrendering is hard for type A, idol holding, "I can do it" chicks like myself...

So like anything else...the first few times are very uncomfortable...but when I hand over the backpack, several things happen:

1. I am so much lighter! I don't have to carry all that junk and it makes my trek so much more enjoyable
2. His snacks are WAY better than mine! When I let him lead and pass out the "snacks"...they are so much tastier and enjoyable...WHO WOULDA THOUGHT?!!?
3. I get to the summit whole...healthy...not exhausted but refreshed by the journey...

Hrmmmmm....I likes it! 

Grace n Peace,

A ~

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