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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Moses showed us How to StopKONY...

StopKony. Stop. At. Nothing.

I have to tell you I have been so amazed at the beauty of humanity while watching this campaign go viral over the last week. Never did I think people would take this on and really become a community committed to seeing Joseph Kony captured and innocent children set free from their oppressor.

I've followed and supported Invisible Children for a couple of years. When I received the video this week via email, I was broken. Wrecked. Appalled at the thought of the mothers whose children have been made into murderers...rapists...prostitutes...
I cannot imagine...

As Jacob's sobs filled my room from the video my heart wrenched inside my chest...the least of these...so cliche...the least of these....I committed in that moment to doing all I could to get the word out about StopKony. It definitely feels like I've done nothing. I think that's where we fail. We think our "something" is "nothing" so we quit before we start.

I have always lived...well...not afraid...OK let me rephrase that...I have fears...yet I possess the ability from God to push through and do what needs to be done in the face of them. My stumbling block is follow through...pure old ADD take it all on follow through. I'm AWFUL at it.

I'm great at heart...I'm ALL HEART...I bleed for every story I hear...will give every dollar I have...and would pick up and move to Uganda TOMORROW...Heart...

But I find my failure is to stick with commitments long term...not relationships (my friends are stuck like glue to my heart)...not motherhood (My kids get my best)...not work or school...but I tend to plunge off into heart projects and try to save the world...forgetting that I'm pretty well busy saving my two little loves with God and trying to keep us all fed and clothed...thus...I quit before I really get started because I cannot do the "thing" 279% instead of what I have to give...

I've been reading through Numbers this week in my daily readings and I've become so very very impressed with the life of Moses. You've got this dude that can't speak...He lives his whole life thinking he is of royal lineage and finds out he is a peasant like the rest of us...He is a murderer...A coward...He is well...US...

Yet, with all this...with all these failings, obstacles, and pictures to bring one's self esteem to it's knees...I see a man that repeatedly converses with God in a very vulnerable, powerful, transparent way...a way I definitely strive for and long for in my lifetime...

I see a man that brings judgement on 250 men that would not heed His God...I see a man that repeatedly throws himself toward God for the needs of his people...I see a man that no matter what his weaknesses are...is incredibly used and loved by God...over and over and over...

Then it clicks for me...I'm a Moses. We ALL are Moses'.

I'm a screwed up, stuttering, failing, all out loving God, heart wrecked for His people...MOSES.

And God loves that. He uses that.

God doesn't expect my 279%. He does expect my all. He does expect my heart. He does expect my conversations. But better than expect...He adores my vulnerable, stuttering words to Him...He adores me....and when He adores me...I have his ear. I have his attention. I know his heart. I'm able to follow his heart issues even if I don't follow as well as someone else...I'm following. Even if I can't traipse off to Uganda tomorrow to rescue children because I'm raising beautiful children here...He's using that. It's a beautiful thing. I DON'T have to be perfect. Granted...I'm definitely working to be less flighty in what I commit to...but He's using my flightiness to reach out to others...so...I'll work on it...and let Him use it all at the same time...It's a beautiful thing...

StopKONY represents a beautiful picture of community rising up to do what they can for justice. This is Biblical and of God. College Students, Mothers, President, Millionaires, Children...we've all chosen to...do what we can...I really think that's where God moves...not only for us...but in us...He shows us that when we give what we have...it really is enough...just like Moses...He takes our reprobate failing hearts and uses them to save others from tragedy...it's a beautiful thing...Shalom...

Grace n Peace,

A ~

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