Welcome to My Royally Wrecked Space to Chill...

I hope you find comradery...I hope you find peace....I hope you find joy...I hope you find acceptance...I hope you feel loved...I hope you know that your are precious...chosen...and always welcome here...come sit a spell...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bits of Beautiful.

I feel as my body is slowed by physical weights to tiring to lift...
Eyes blurry I drive in the dark...
I am entering my 4th 12 hour shift in a row and my body screams "Stop!"...
I drive on...

His Word pours through my speakers and I do my best to soak it in...
While hazy, I drive over the river bridge...my favorite...
Only a few weeks ago He spoke to me on this bridge...
It was a hard day...I was in gratefulness...spoken...when He breathed "I will always provide you with beauty"...

I am reminded of this promise as I drive hard in the dark.

"I will always provide you with beauty."

Stairs are climbed and I say my hellos as I settle in to the shift...
I down caffeine and try my best to seem chipper though I feel weighted...
Then I see it...
A Bit of Beauty...

I stand looking out the solarium drinking water from Styrofoam and I see it...
It strikes me...His promise.
His promise.
In this life moment of wrecked tired and humbled heart...Beauty.
Sky pink and birds flying in a sequential pattern...Beauty.

"I will ALWAYS give you beauty."

I place cup down. Say grateful whispers then grab my phone...
Bits of beauty...I get it Lord...
You give me beauty...in bits sometimes...in grand landscapes in others...
You keep your promises.

I am peaceful in the bits.

Bits of beautiful is His way of reminding me..."You are mine. You are special enough for pink skies and birds. I am with you. Though you must suffer and trek on...I. Am. With. You. In every sunrise...In every flying sparrow...In every friend...In every baby girl kiss...In every revelation...I. Am. With. You."

Bits of Beautiful.

Grace n Peace,

A ~

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