I've been studying the mind this week.
Not the brain. The MIND.
I'm reading Joyce Meyer's book "Battlefield of the Mind" and it has completely blown me away. I was not a fan of Mrs. Meyers.
I had hit a patch this week where I was completely overwhelmed. I could not shake it. I found myself overcome with thoughts with no real basis and could not for the life of me decipher the cause. I went to my confidants. They shook me up. They reminded me of who I am and who He is. THEN...my best friend put this book in my mind.
My mentor...prayed a prayer over me that I thought would have brought down the building it was so powerful. All three women spoke the same thing: THIS IS WARFARE. I hesitate to even type that because I am so anti super sonic spiritualism and all love and peace. But I will admit...this week...I've fought hell for my mind. Literally. I could not do anything but put one foot in front of the other, stay in the word, and lean into the process and let others guide me.
When I realized that this was indeed an attack upon my mind, I went even deeper into the word and began speaking it over my mind. It broke. Literally broke. My chest had been tight for a month. I woke up this morning completely clear and rested.
Joyce says in Battlefield "You cannot have a positive life with a negative mind." So true. The thing is, I'm completely positive. All the time. People can't calm me down. So when this hit me...I was capsized. I couldn't begin to understand what was happening...until these women spoke into my life.
I got to school today and my mentor put this into my hand: "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
At lunch, we discussed it. She put a spin on it that I've NEVER in all 35 years thought of...He does not ask us pray for the desires of our hearts...he does not ask us to sacrifice for the desires of our hearts...HE ASKS US TO DELIGHT IN HIM!! WHAT?!!? Delight in Him!! I DO delight in Him. How easy is that?
This struck me so powerfully I marinated on it all day...He WANTS to give me good things...He simply wants me to DELIGHT in Him...it makes perfect sense! When you are crazy about someone, you DELIGHT in them. You're happy when they are around. Relationship is what my Father desires...He wants to do life with me. He wants me to be happy with him and he wants to make me happy. Whew.
That being said...one of the keys to breaking a spiritual attack is delighting in the one who made me. Believing the best and knowing He's got me. With all I am and have...He's got me. Delight transforms the soul and mind from self-absorbed to God-absorbed. It's the only way.
I realize this is probably the most disjunctive blog I've ever written but my soul and mind are brimming with so many ideas I cannot get it to translate onto the paper as I'd like...I hope you can read between the lines and get it...
May your mind be still in Him, filled with the Word, and may you find yourself delighted today in our Father.
Grace n Peace,
A ~
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