Welcome to My Royally Wrecked Space to Chill...

I hope you find comradery...I hope you find peace....I hope you find joy...I hope you find acceptance...I hope you feel loved...I hope you know that your are precious...chosen...and always welcome here...come sit a spell...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily Bread...

Give us this day...our daily bread...

Give us this day...our DAILY bread...

I had the house to myself this afternoon and all was still. I popped in Francis Chan's new series "Basic" on prayer. It was incredible. 

He said one line that completely riveted me...it went something like this..."We've prayed the Lord's prayer so many times without really knowing what it means. We pray 'Give us this day our daily bread.' Yet if He only supplied provision each day for THAT day we would probably say 'Why didn't you give me more?'"

I stopped. My heart was pounding. I DO THAT. I'VE DONE THAT. But not just about money...

How many times have I prayed for provision spiritually, relationally, and directionally and He provided enough for THAT day...yet I did not appreciate the provision.

We're programmed by society to plan out our futures. We're programmed to plan out our retirements. We're programmed to plan AGAINST trusting God and to trust WITHIN ourselves and our abilities. This is totally against the prayer Jesus taught us to pray..."Give us this day our daily provision..."

I realized this afternoon at 2:07 pm that I often pray about life and His will...yet I do not accept the provision because I want him to give me the one, five, ten year provision. He doesn't have to work it that way...He is God

When I realized the truth of this prayer...I felt SUCH peace. I don't have to worry about my ten year plan. I can work towards goals, work hard, and invest towards the ten year plan. But I don't have to WORRY about the ten year plan NOR KNOW the ten year plan. 

I only have to continue asking for today's provision...then walk in the gratefulness of knowing that He will provide again tomorrow. Thus I never need fear my future or where I will END up because tomorrow when I WAKE up He will have provided again...for THAT day...and I will have...enough.

Enough with God...is all the richest that can be offered...

Grace n Peace,

A ~

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