Welcome to My Royally Wrecked Space to Chill...

I hope you find comradery...I hope you find peace....I hope you find joy...I hope you find acceptance...I hope you feel loved...I hope you know that your are precious...chosen...and always welcome here...come sit a spell...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Intentional Fulfillment...

Sun streamed crops across the landscape...
Children enjoying breakfast on the "good" china...
Sounds of wind blowing through trees...
Bicycles thrown on lawns from quick escapes...
My rocking chair in the early morn doused in sun and Him...

These are the places I feel most fulfilled...I find fulfillment can come when you least expect it...in the places you never thought you would find such depths of soul understanding...

I sit in my rocking chair engulfed with nature and solitude...I am completely fulfilled. God whispers in this space of green and yellow...He has no need to shout...
I listen quick...it's easier when the only distraction is bird calls and rustlings amongst the foliage...

I am again reminded we do not require much to sustain us yes...but moreover we do not need much to fulfill us...
Simplicity enlightens...strips...encourages fundamental relationship...with children...with family...with Him...

In simplicity, I am propelled to make more of these moments happen...and I find that the only real way to make them happen is to live this way in the other 23 hours leading up to this one...simplicity requires preparation once imparted...

It's saying no to "stuff" not needed that crowds my spaces...
It's saying yes to "outside play" with children and pets...
It's saying yes to "solitude" even when uncomfortable...
It's saying no to a lifestyle of "more" and "better"...
It's yes to "need" no to "want"...
It's discernment of "important" and "needless"...

It's where I find myself full...sated...filled with the majesty of the present...no past...no looming future...only now....

Filled with joy and wonderment...I am pure soul...disentangled from world and worry...I am free in this place.

I am learning that for me, "intentional living" is making the sacred happen. It is orchestrating my mornings...my evenings...to encapsulate the beautiful in the mundane...

Crops in sunlight discussed with babes...afternoons soaking in fresh air...saying no to what is told will fulfill me to encourage the real essences of beauty that truly do...

We really have need of little more than Him, community, and nature...at some point the other elements become contrived...

These elements are fulfilling when enjoyed sparingly and intermittently...but true fulfillment is found in the depths of creation...in life...in the living...not man created....

We all need to enjoy some fulfillments of man...after all, I'm out in nature writing on my mac...drinking my coffee brewed...

We can do this though...we can move outside a culture of more and busy to capture the essence of intentional living...sharing the space of our lives with Him, others, and nature...

We just have to intentionally respond and create the space....

Grace n Peace,

A ~

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