Isaiah 49:15-18
I love vocabulary. Words thrill me. Good vocabulary is to me what fine wine is to others. I love reading books that require me to utilize a dictionary. (or Google)
I guess it stands to reason that as I journey through dark nights of the soul I find solace in words. Not just words from mere mortals as myself but divine words...words that tell me "If He loved them enough to do that...then maybe I can be next..."
Words that say "I breathed life into those dry bones...I can certainly breathe into yours..."
Humanity has also deposited into my weary wanderings. I read a quote by blogger and soon to be author Preston Yancey (I'll probably misquote, sorry Preston) that basically said "Books reminded me of God when I couldn't feel Him."Amen.
Maybe I'm the only one tired.
Maybe I'm the only dying for more than what I'm in currently but know that I have a while longer to sojourn in this place.
Maybe I'm the only one bored at times and completely overwhelmed at others.
Maybe I'm the only one walking through a dry dustbowl of a season.
And maybe I'm not. Maybe you're out there. Maybe you're reading and are also choosing believing over feeling.
I just thought you might want to know: You're not alone.
I'm reading too.
I'm believing instead of feeling too.
I'm breathing through a hankerchief in the driest freakin desert ever. But I'm also encouraged.
Because as I read the words of the prophets and God...and I read Christine Caine, Tullian Tchividjian, and countless others...I realize I'm not alone.
Everyone travels through their own crappy sandstorm...
And at some see something that looks like a mirage in the distance...only to find you've crossed over into refreshment and beauty...
Hang on friends...the pool is coming...I don't feel the waters yet...but I believe I see them just over that sand dune...
Grace n Peace,
A ~