Welcome to My Royally Wrecked Space to Chill...

I hope you find comradery...I hope you find peace....I hope you find joy...I hope you find acceptance...I hope you feel loved...I hope you know that your are precious...chosen...and always welcome here...come sit a spell...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

God of the trees

This morning I moved out to my stoop to enjoy some quiet expanse of the soul. I sat still and allowed my soul to become enraptured...filled...

Wild, untamed wind running through my bed head...trees swaying...birds tweeting...I was...full.

My soul...untamed as well...free to float about the yard and explore...

I looked out on one of my trees, and marveled that this evidence of my creator has been on this planet longer than I...standing strong for this moment...this moment that I might sit a spell and enjoy her...

I was overwhelmed with the majesty of oneness with this old knobby tree...not in just a metaphysical way...but rather that God created us both...for completely different purposes yet mutually needed...mutually loved and cherished by Him...created for reasons beyond what I always reflect upon in the day to day harried existence...


To bless...

To be blessed...

To love...

To be loved...

To live in quiet surrender that all He has might be accomplished.

I began to mist as He spoke..."I love you. So very much. You need nothing more. I am with you."

I began to sing...out loud...in my boxers...on the stoop...with cars driving by...

"God I want to know you...live my life to show you...all the love I owe you...I'm a seeker of your heart."

I thought back over the three occasions yesterday my girl said "Mom this life...OUR life! I'm so blessed by it! You have a great new job making money. We have a new home. We're peaceful. I'm just...SO BLESSED MOMMY!"


My riches abound in such deep ravines of the soul that they cannot be tamed. Cannot be levied. They are deeper. Wider...Impervious to anything but Him...

Superficial constraints cannot hinder...nor can earthly fed wants expand them... 

My riches...are all in HIM. Completely. Fully. Un-mistakenly. 

No great deep spiritual revealing perhaps...but deeply moving on a undefinable level...He IS. We ARE.

There might not be "more" than this...and if not...I'll die happy and content.

Grace n Peace,

The girl sitting out in her boxers singing like a crazy cat lady to the God of the trees

PS ~ I'm pretty sure there will be massive amounts of glorious trees in Heaven...I'm just saying...oh...and Vietnamese banquets ALL. DAY. LONG. XOXOXO